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4 Tips for Getting Baby to Sleep Better

Babies don’t come with a manual (my goodness I wish they did!).

For someone who loves a manual and step by step instructions, you could imagine how difficult it was for me when I became a Mum for the first time. Obviously, no one handed me a manual at the hospital, it was just a ‘see you later and good luck!’ To say I felt out of my depth is an understatement. I’m sure many mothers out there can relate.

By the time my first born was four months old I discovered the sleep program I now teach my clients and it was life changing. The best part about the program is, it’s adaptable. I customise every sleep plan specifically to the family I’m working with. I look at baby’s temperament, personality, eating habits etc. and then give my clients a specialised plan to suit their child.

Although every child is different, there are a few tips I want to share with you that are ALWAYS the same in every situation and every plan I create.

1. Darkness

Light, either natural or artificial, sends a message to our brains that it is daytime and not time for sleep. Darkness triggers melatonin production, so start turning the lights down an hour or so before you plan to put baby down. In particular electronic screens, as they emit a blue light that hinders baby’s shut-down process.

I highly recommend investing in some blackout blinds or doing anything you can to get that room pitch black. I’ve had clients even put foil over their windows which works a treat!

2. Turn down the heat

New parents can become obsessive over their baby’s comfort and making sure their room is warm enough is such a basic instinct that people tend to overdo.

Like anyone else, babies sleep best when they’re warm and snuggly inside of a cool environment. A warm sleeping bag in a cool nursery around 18°C – 21°C (65°F and 70°F) is the best way to ensure that baby remains comfortable through the night.

3. Keep it boring

I know decorating your baby’s nursery with a cute mobile over the cot or with wall decals that light up the room may seem soothing, but they can be a real source of fascination for your little one. This is great, but not when they’re trying to sleep. To a baby, they can be the equivalent of a big budget action movie, so keep visual stimulation away from the cot.

I highly recommend a white noise machine to help block out any external noise, but other than that the more boring your child’s room is the better they’ll sleep.

4. Be predictable

No matter what your age, a well-planned consistent bedtime routine is conducive to a good night’s sleep. Particularly in babies. Once their bodies and brains start to recognise signals that indicate an upcoming bedtime, they will start preparing to pack it in for the evening as soon as that first step begins.

Their energy levels will naturally start to wind down, melatonin production will kick in and their muscles will start to relax. By the time you’re giving them a goodnight kiss, their little system should be all set for a long, restorative sleep.

Wrapping Up

Teaching your little one great sleep skills is a process and not a one-night operation. It takes time, consistency, repetition and plenty of discipline and diligence on the parents’ part.

For those of you who are desperate for just a little bit of relief, these tips should help you and your little one get a few more hours of shut-eye, starting tonight.

Contact our sleep consultant today to book your free introductory consultation.


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